How to add a contact us page in Blogger

How to add a contact us page in Blogger

How to add a contact us page in Blogger
Amazing Facts
मंगलवार, 23 फ़रवरी 2021

To add a contact us page we are able to do that in a very very simple step .So lets start to feature a contact us page in blogger . we are able to learn to feature a contact us page in blogger in very simple step:

Part 1: Adding the Contact Gadget Follow the steps given below to feature a contact us gadget on your blog.

Step 1: Visit and log in to your account. If you're running multiple blogs, you wish to settle on the required blog from the list.

Step 2: Click on Layout from the left sidebar to induce an choice to add gadgets.

Step 3: you'll see an Add a Gadget link on the most panel on the proper side. Clicking thereon will bring you to an inventory of gadgets.

Step 4: Then, choose More gadgets from the left side. Now, you may see Contact Form. Just add the identical.

Part 2: Hiding the Gadget Now, you're visiting find out how to cover the contact gadget.

Step 1: we'd like to play with the template section here. So, click on Templates from the left menu.

Step 2: Then, click on Edit HTML and you may be given the full code of your blog during a large field.

Step 3: look for ]]>in Html editor page and place the subsequent code just before it . Then, click Save to retain the changes. After the third step, you may not see Contact widget on your blog.


<div><div class="”widget" contactform="" id="”custom_ContactForm1″">
<div class="”contact-form-widget”">
<p>Get in touch with us by filling out the form below.</p>
<div class="”form”">
<form name="”contact-form”">
<br />
<input class="”contact-form-name”" id="”ContactForm1_contact-form-name”" name="”name”" size="”30″" type="”text”" value="””" />
<span bolder="">*</span>
<br />
<input class="”contact-form-email”" id="”ContactForm1_contact-form-email”" name="”email”" size="”30″" type="”text”" value="””" />
<span bolder="">*</span>
<br />
<textarea class="”contact-form-email-message”" cols="”25″" id="”ContactForm1_contact-form-email-message”" name="”email-message”" rows="”5″"></textarea>
<input class="”contact-form-button" contact-form-button-submit="" id="”ContactForm1_contact-form-submit”" type="”button”" value="”Send”" />
<div 100="" 222px="" center="" max-width:="" width:="">
<p class="”contact-form-error-message”" id="”ContactForm1_contact-form-error-message”"></p>
<p class="”contact-form-success-message”" id="”ContactForm1_contact-form-success-message”"></p>
<div class="”clear”"></div>
<span class="”widget-item-control”">
<span blog-admin="" class="”item-control">
<a _widgetmanager._popupconfig="" class="”quickedit”" document.getelementbyid="" href="”//;widgetType=ContactForm&amp;widgetId=ContactForm1&amp;action=editWidget&amp;sectionId=sidebar-right-1″" onclick="”return" ontactform1="" target="”configContactForm1″" title="”Edit”">
<img alt="””" height="”18″" src="”//”" width="”18″" />
<div class="”clear”"></div>

 Part – 3: Adding Contact Form to a Page You will get the customized official blogger contact form code here to be added to be shown on a separate page. 

Step 1: Go to Pages and click on New page.  
Step 2: Paste the following code into the HTML post editor after removing everything in it.
Step 3: Add a title (like Contact Us) and then change the settings given right as given below. 
Step 4: Now save the page by clicking on the button submit or publish . If you like this post then share this with your friends or in social media platform. Thanks for reading this post. 
How to add a contact us page in Blogger
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